Our friendship and contact looses its power.
My question is how can we have good friends? Not just those with whom you roam around with and forget but good friends who are your friends for life.How to add deeper meaning to relationships?
Usually this just happens. Sorry that I can't explain how, but you shouldn't worry about it. Talking about serious things can help though.How to add deeper meaning to relationships?
I know what you mean. Sometimes it's like, ';What do I really have in common with these people?'; or, ';Can we talk about something other than the weather and our jobs?';
There are two things that I think really help.
One, you have to do the things that make you hop. Do the things that get you so excited animated and activated that you start to ';preach'; when someone asks about them. This makes you a more interesting person, but it also helps weed out the superficial relationships. A good friend will be the one who couldn't care less about what excites you but listens anyway, gets excited about what excites you, and never ever mocks you for it.
Second, once you've weeded out some of the dandelion fluff, you have to tell others the things that you don't like about yourself. That makes them see you as a real person, and they feel like they can open up to you and be a real person too.
And once you're down to the real people involved in a relationship, then you can go on to the real relationship.
hi, well you can't prevent people from getting to know you,its not something you can really control.Many people come into our lives almost everyday,it is upto us to identify that special thing in them which determines whether they'll be good friends or not.
Try to see you two some 20 years later,will he always be there for you,i.e,in your times of need?Good friends will stick by your side through thick and thin and are more special than others.The things you do with them,you're not likely to 'forget' :)
If you're friend with someone it means that there's an aspect in him that you appreciate and if you want lasting relationships,you'll have to keep your friends close to you.You can't choose who comes into your life but you can surely choose your good friends.Let them know how much they mean to you everyday.
well ever heard this a friend is someone who will bail you from the police station but a true friend will be sat next to you saying we messed up this time but this **** was fun,,you cant just find true friends they just turn up from time to time you will know wen you have a good friend because its that one person or 2 or even 3 that you can have converations with that you cant with anyone else just be careful not to have backstabbers ...
Be caring, considerate, listen to your friend and be sincere, if something goes wrong be truthful or if it is bad be there for them-- it is that simple!
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