Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What does the bible say about brother and sister sexual relationships?

I'm a Yankee in the south and I see a lot of sibling unions in the poor uneducated areas. To each their own (I wouldn't do my own sister), at least they are not doing same sex, animals or children, but a lot of us don't see it as proper.

Besides babies being born with one eye, how those the bible view this as?What does the bible say about brother and sister sexual relationships?
it is wrong if you google it you will probably find some scripture about it. but i live in the south and i dont know anybody that does that. i dont know where your living but you might want to get out of there.What does the bible say about brother and sister sexual relationships?
From the time of Moses such relationships were forbidden for the reasons you talk about.

The Christian 'laws' do not address it but the old principle remains -- God's views have not changed.

There are grey areas depending upon cultures and customs -- namely, those between cousins, and further removed relatives. This is for each culture to solve.

Unfortunately, humans are imperfect so that even marriage between two people from distant areas and countries does not assure children without defects, but that cannot be helped.
In Leviticus the Law was laid down about relationships. The Law was for the purposes of things like healthy living and morality, well-being in the community...that sort of thing.

I think it's sad that you think sibling unions to be better than homosexuality but hey, you're from the south and I heard there's a lot of self-righteousness down there.

In God's eyes, lying is the same as murder. So a sin is a sin.

Disgusting as the book already is, it promotes incest, and all kinds of wrong shameful acts, it goes to a new low. It ENCOURAGES sibling relationships(not in the normal way) Just look at Song of Songs/ Song of Solomon Ch.8 the first four verses. The woman wishes that the man she has lustful and dangerous thoughts for, were her brother so she wouldn't have to go meet him, she could do it in the house. Go and read it for yourself. What kind of a book, has God given to us, that we have to believe in otherwise it's hell for us?

And what's even funnier is people actually still think that the bible has not been corrupted. Well....to those people......I hope this changes your mind.
Somewhere in the OT... I'm thinking Jeremiah... it gives a whole big list of who people shall not lie with. In that list are included mothers, sisters, in-laws, et cetera.

Incest is a big taboo, and has been for a long time. So I doubt many southerners engage in it... they're not all backwoods hicks, you know. And anyway, what's wrong with doing someone of the same sex?
Other than Adam and Eve's immediate children (when the gene pool was pure), any sex outside of marriage with an unrelated spouse of the opposite sex is a sin. In fact, Jesus even said that if you so much as just LOOK at another person with sexual thoughts and desires (i.e. lusts), you're already guilty of adultery!

Additional comment to those who insist that the Bible condones it just because it is mentioned - that is just about one of THE most stupid things ANY body has EVER said!

I guess, based on YOUR way of thinking, that you think that the newspapers approve of murders, rapes, terrorist acts, bank robberies, etc - because they report these news events!

The Bible not only tells about the evil things people have done, it also shows the horrendous consequences when God sent judgments against them!
when God was writing the law for The Isrealites to use for their government in part of it he specified what was ';sexual immorality'; all but one (fornication outside of engagement) had the punishment of death. in that list it mentions having sex with your immediate family.
Incest is Perfectly fine according to the bible

Here, watch this, it explains everything.

back in the days when there was a low population it was encourage to keep it in the family but it wasn't in tell racial mixing caused birth defects that the moral laws changed
Yes suh we is all da same down ere in da sowth. kind of likes hows all white people's hates them ol black uns. kinda likes how all dem peoples dat believe da same thin are alls da sayme. please redirect yourself to the shallow end of the pool
There are a few incestuous relationships in the bible, so Christians must be ok with it.
before moses it was okay after moses it was not.

its totally illegal in the USA...
Christians are free from the OT laws prohibiting incest. Jesus fulfilled the law. There is nothing in the NT about incest.
Of course incest is wrong.
An absolute hands down sin.

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