Friday, December 25, 2009


what is the best way to build a relationship with my ex-race horse Elvis with a bolting problem. i need too know what are some of the best ways in building a solid trust relationship.

thanks =P Katie%26amp;ElvisRelationships?
Time. Lots and lots of grooming. Being consistent in everything you do. Quiet things that will help his mind to slow down. Be reliable and fair and expect respect and get it. I am not discussing anything here to do with riding, just everyday stuff. Being an ex-rh, life was all about energy and the high and instant reflexes. Now it needs to be about letting down and letting go. Walk him a lot with a longe line. If he startles while munching grass on this line, let him longe himself down to quiet, then resume grazing. Remove the reaction that he fights and that causes the flight. Just be quiet, a steady wall and let him degas himself. When he sees you are not going to feed his frenzy, but help him calm down, he wll start to associate you with calm/quiet/assertive and this will start the trust relationship. It takes quite a while for exes to relax, but it can be done if you are consistent, steady and understanding.Relationships?
I'd do lots of groundwork like lunging, free lunging and that kind of thing. Let your horse learn your voice so it can reasure him when he is scared and wants to bolt. Be sure to reward him as well with pats, hugs, kisses and treats! that way he'll want to please you because he gets all of the attention and horses love getting attention!
race hosre are trained to just go flat out so like many others have said building a relationship will not stop him bolting. But to build a relationship just spend time with him groming only time will build bonds.
A trust relationship isn't going to stop the bolting. A training relationship will.

You need to be the leader, you need to take control of the situation and you honestly are overhorsed after your post of the bolting,.

I said my peace in your last post about what I think you need to do with this horse, but there is no way trust is going to make him stop bolting.
Building trust is not going to stop him from bolting...

Taking a hold of one rein and slapping your stirrup on the opposite shoulder won't fix it entirely, but once you've got him turning have him go around in circles (not spinning on a back foot, make him follow his head around) don't let him stop when he wants too, have him stop when you give the signal (which should be once you've both settled down), then stop turn him in the direction you want to go, back him a step or three and ride off.
trust,respect%26amp;shown you love
Parelli. You need to establish a bind where neither is dominant. You want him to look at you as a friend, not a ruler.

To often people try to ';own or controll'; their horses, when they should really be on the same level as their horses.

Check out this site:鈥?/a>

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