Monday, December 28, 2009

What is your relationship with the divine in your relationships?

Dependence is an illusion. Cooperation is a reality. Both serve the other and the whole. The universe you both live in is the same. We are all in the oneness of the divine, however the perception of the availability of the oneness belongs to each of you.What is your relationship with the divine in your relationships?
In that every person who is nearest to me in relationship is either ignorant of, resistant to, or only just awakening to the Divine, it is my part to ';hold'; this knowing for them...and i do this without fail, for it is i who am able to see beyond their surface actions/emotions/failures and to relay unconditional love back to them, encouraging them always to find that spark within themselves that is beyond the mundane with which they are all too familiar. It is my part to remain steady in my conviction of Divine Presence and to ';operate'; openly and without judgment until that spark within the other ignites, at which time we will be able to ';co-operate'; together from our shared awareness/oneness.

And it is thus, also, with casual relationships, strangers who cross my path perhaps only once in a lifetime...while the time spent with them is miniscule, still the effort made is no less. It is my part to show the way, to be Love and Light, to call to them, so to speak, with a smile or a bright, ';Hello,'; or a seemingly inconsequential one-time exchange...for this provides an ';opening'; for them (through my willingness and intention) to connect to the Divine within themselves, whether they are aware or not. And as they respond to me, their own spark is fanned.

It is in my own willingness and intention to be the pebble tossed into the still, unmoving pool of the other, thus creating ripples of memory for them, that the Divine consistently speaks/acts through me. And when there is even the slightest response from another, then that connection has taken place...erasing, for the moment, any thought they might have had of separation and sovereignty. In that instant of resonance we become one being, co-operating from our Divine center.

This is the alchemical ';magic'; of the Divine taking place, turning the lead of sleep/ignorance/illusion to the gold of oneness. It can happen in an instant with a stranger, or it can happen over time in a long-term relationship, as every isolated spark of Love shown begins to enflame the other's smoldering embers. Herein lies the hidden key: each one carries the hearth/heart awaiting its glorious (fire) is for those who already carry the full, active flame of the Divine to spark the dormant embers of the sleeping ones.

Together, we are capable of setting the world ablaze with Light and Love. When this is fully accomplished (and it shall be accomplished), we will ascend as one entity in consciousness, co-operating in perfect resonance with Source/Divine/the One.

i am Sirius What is your relationship with the divine in your relationships?
I agree that perception is ';everything';.

I do believe in being one with God and with all others on the planet. It's the grand quest. I think we are both closer to that reality and farther away from it (get that? ha ha) than we ever have been in the history of mortal earth.

Good luck to all of us.
Dependence cannot be an illusion for cooperation to exist, for if they are both serving the other they both exist.
Nicely put. Agreed.
John 14:6. Period!
We are very, very close. ; )
One and The Same.
I bet you are a virgin???

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