Thursday, May 13, 2010

In relationships, do even the insecure guys have to be dominant over thier woman?

Do insecure guys also feel the need to be manly and protective to thier woman?In relationships, do even the insecure guys have to be dominant over thier woman?
I am sure there are some that do. Generally if a man is insecure and unsure of who he is then he isn't ready for a serious relationship yet anyway.

Find a guy who is confident in himself, be selective though, usually its the ones who are so dead set on proving their manliness and self-confidence that lack it the most.In relationships, do even the insecure guys have to be dominant over thier woman?
It is the insecure who perceive an imperative to attempt to dominate a female. This is both foolish and naive. Confident knowledge enhances and encourages learning and independent growth. The insecure attempt to disguise a lack of social skills with efforts to be dominant.

More experienced and secure guys are comfortable with them self and the significant other. There is more a sense of communication and sharing of relationship with no sense of need to be dominant. Independence in a relationship increases the opportunities for quality time and growth.
im shy and not overly confident but that in no way changes your masculinity. I mean most guys dont want total control but they wouldnt get bossed around or lose their masculinity. And i think what your seeing is that most guys who are insecure usually are unable to be manly or protective because they are gonna be smaller and insecure about themselves compared to other guys

It's actually the insecure guys that NEED to be (or feel) dominant over their woman. Their sense of self-worth is boosted by it.

Whereas a secure guy does not need to feel dominant because he knows his own self worth... it's better for a woman to choose to be with him than to be dominated by him.


Samantha nailed it. Insecure guys are the overprotective, jealous, potentially abusive type. Give him a chance. Try training him (boys are like dogs in SO many ways). But don't waste a lot of time on him. It could be very costly for you.

';The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. She can turn him any way she wants.';- Maria Portokalos, ';My Big Fat Greek Wedding';
well there's a difference from a man being a real man and taking charge... and another from an abusive mantrying to be the man because he's insecure! HUGE difference and it seems that these days femminest want everyone nto think just because a man doesnt take their abuse that means hes abusive! NOT! they are horrible women and are taking over america.
insecurity is what causes jealousy, over protectiveness, and dominance

if the guy doesnt really have an insecurity issue then he is more trusting and calm and will actually let you spend time with friends and family
In some cases, maybe. Who knows? Everyone is different.

Girls answer?;鈥?/a>
they feel the need to be protective, but nothing makes them dominant
Most of the time the insecure guys do it most.

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