Sunday, May 9, 2010

What are some good books to understand relationships better?

So what are some good books you'd suggest that have helped you understand attraction, the opposite sex, or human behavior in mating in general? Have you come across a book and given it to a friend that has helped them become a more satisfying partner?

To understand how men and women value different things in a relationship and have different top needs because of that read ';His Needs, Her Needs.'; For understanding human sexuality from an evolutionary perspective read ';The Red Queen: Sex and The Evolution of Human Nature.';What are some good books to understand relationships better?
UMM iDK CUZ i D0NT READ BUT i 0NCE READ A B00K CALLED ANNiES BABY %26amp;%26amp; iT WAS B0UT A GURL %26amp;%26amp; SHE WAS iN AN ABUSiVE RELATiONSHiP %26amp;%26amp; i TH0UGHT iT WAS iNTERESTiNG! BUT THAT HAS N0THiNG T0 D0 WiTH WAT U ASKED BUT i HAV A.D.D. S0000 YAHH =D! PEACE L0SER!!!!!!!What are some good books to understand relationships better?
The five love languages

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